Bun Venit, Bobociilor de Clasa a IX-a! Un Nou Început pentru Bobocii de Clasa a IX-a



1. Present Simple



Affirmative: Subject + verb (-s/-es he, she, it) + complement

I drink coffee everyday.

She goes swimming weekly.

Negative: Subject + don’t / doesn’t + verb + complement


I don’t drink coffee everyday.

She doesn’t go swimming .

Interrogative: Do/ Does + Subject + verb + complement?


Do you drink coffee everyday?

Does she drink coffee everyday?

Cand folosim Present Simple?


 obiceiuri/ rutina ( cu always/ usually/ everyday etc.)

He usually goes to the market on Mondays.

 adevaruri general valabile/ stiintifice

Water freezes at 0 degrees.

 preferinte personale (cu love, hate, like, dislike)

I love Barcelona. It’s a beautiful city!

 comentarii sportive, retete, recenzii

Beckham wins the ball, crosses and Owen scores!

 orare (cu valoare de viitor)

His train arrives at six o’clock next Tuesday.



Folosit cu : usually, often, seldom, always, never, every day/week/month/year, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night/weekend, on Fridays etc.


2. Present Continuous


Affirmative: Subject + am/is/are + verb - ing + complement


I am writing at the moment .

He is reading now.

Negative: Subject + am/is/are + not + verb- ing + complement


I am not writing at the moment.

He is not reading now.

Interrogative: Am/Is/Are + Subject + verb -ing + complement?

Are you writing at the moment?

Is he reading now?

Cand folosim Present Continuous?


 pentru actiuni care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii

Mary is doing the washing up.

 actiuni temporare

We are decorating the living room this week.

 situatii in desfasurare/ schimbare

The air is becoming more and more polluted.

 planuri de viitor stabilite/concrete

I’m going out with Tony tonight.

 obiceiuri enervante

She is always biting her nails. So annoying!


Folosit cunow, at the moment, at present, these days, nowadays, today, tonight, etc.


3. Present Perfect


Affirmative: Subject + have/has + past participle + complement


I have been to Portugal once.

She has lived here for the last 7 years. 

Negative : Subject + have/has + not +past participle +complement


I have not been to Portugal .

She has not lived here ….


*haven’t / hasn’t

Interrogative: Have/Has + Subject + Past Participle + complement?

Have you been to Portugal?

Has she lived here for the last 7 years ?


Cand folosim Present Perfect?


 o actiune petrecuta in trecut, dar care nu are timpul specificat (accentul cade pe actiune, timpul fiind neimportant sau necunoscut)

I have washed the dishes.


 actiune care incepe in trecut si continua pana in prezent

I have known Bill for ten years.

 o actiune finalizata recent

I have just finished dinner.

 experiente personale

She has put on weight.



Folosim cufor, since, already, always, just, ever, never, so far, lately, recently etc.



4. Present Perfect Continuous




Affirmative: Subject + have/has + been + verb-ing + complement


I have been washing dishes all morning.

She has been reading for 3 hours.

Negative: Subject +haven’t/hasn’t +been +verb-ing +complement


I haven’t been washing dishes all morning.

She hasn’t been reading for 3 hours. 

Interrogative: Have/ Has+ Subject+ been + verb-ing +complement

Have you been washing dishes all morning?

Has she been reading for 3 hours.

Cand folosim Present Perfect Continuous?

 cand accentul cade pe durata actiunii care incepe in trecut si continua pana in prezent

He has been painting the walls all morning.


 actiune inceputa in trecut care continua pana in prezent, a carui rezultat este vizibil in prezent

He is tired because he has been working since 10 o’clock in the morning.


 actiune enervanta/iritanta

He has been reading my newspaper without asking me.



5. Past Simple


Affirmative: Subject + verb (2nd form for irregular verbs/ -ed for regular verbs)

I ate a cookie yesterday morning.

She laughed at my joke.

Negative: Subject+ didn’t + verb (infinitive) +complement


I didn’t eat a cookie yesterday.

She didn’t laugh at my joke.

Interrogative: Did+ subject+ verb (infinitive)+ complement?


Did you eat a cookie yesterday?

Did she laugh at your joke?

Cand folosim Past Simple?


 actiune petrecuta in trecut , cu timpul specificat

He posted the invitation yesterday.

 actiuni trecute consecutive

She locked the door and headed for her car.

 obiceiuri trecute

Mr. Smith worked as a gardener in the past.



Folosit cu: yesterday, last week/month/year , then, when , three days ago, in 1997 etc.




6. Past Continuous


Affirmative: Subject+ was/were+ verb-ing + complement


I was sleeping when you came home.

They were playing in their room.

Negative: Subject+ wasn’t/weren’t+ verb-ing + complement


I wasn’t sleeping when you came home.

They weren’t playing in their room.

Interrogative: Was/Were+ subject+ verb-ing+ complement?


Was I sleeping when you came home?

Were they playing in their room?

Cand folosim Past Continuous?


 actiune din trecut in desfasurare

At 8”clock yesterday I was having dinner with Mark.


 cand o actiune din trecut se afla in desfasurare si este intrerupta de o alta actiune. Utilizam Past Continuous pentru actiunea in desfasurare si Past Simple pentru actiunea care o intrerupe.

We were swimming when it started to rain.


doua actiuni care se intampla in acelasi timp in trecut

Bill was watching TV in the living room while Tony was having a shower.


 pentru a descrie atmosfera, actiunea de fundal a unei povesti

The birds were singing and the sun was shining and we were walking towards the cabin.



Folosim cuwhile, when, all morning/evening/day/ week etc.




7. Past Perfect



Affirmative: Subject+ had+ Past Participle+ complement


I had seen him before.

Negative: Subject+ hadn’t+ Past Participle+ complement


I hadn’t seen him before.

Interrogative: Had+ subject+ Past Participle+ complement?


Had you seen him before?

Cand folosim Past Perfect?



 cu o actiune care se petrece inaintea altei actiuni din trecut

Ann had finished cooking by 6’clock.

cu o actiune finalizata in trecut, al carui rezultat a fost vizibil

He had broken his leg a month ago and he still couldn’t walk properly.

 pentru o situatie generala din trecut

Everything had seemed normal at first.






8. Past Perfect Continuous



Affirmative: Subject+ had+ been+ verb-ing+ complement

I had been waiting for 2 hours.

I hadn’t been waiting for 2 hours.




Interrogative: Had+ subject+ been+ verb-ing + complement?


Had you been waiting for 2 hours?


I hadn’t been waiting for 2 hours.




Interrogative: Had+ subject+ been+ verb-ing + complement?


Had you been waiting for 2 hours? 



 Cand folosim Past Perfect Continuous?


–> cand dorim sa punem accentul pe durata actiunii, care a inceput sau s-a sfarsit inaintea unei alte actiuni din trecut

He had been walking for about an hour before he reached his destination.